Sunday, December 21, 2014

Grabbed & Gagged 74

Some vintage clips for you all!!!

I don't really know the names of a lot of these clips, sorry.  I was just going thru some stuff and I realized that they weren't properly ID'd.  So, if any of you watching this video know the name of the movies that these clips come from, or even just one or two, please leave a comment letting people know, thanks!!!  

Number 75 is coming soon!!!

Oh, and was wearing a bit gag while putting this video together...mmmmpphhh!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not much help as far as the IDs, but I will say....that was fantastic! I think the third one is Sally Roberts and Susan Blair. And great choice of music with the Kinks (very appropriate) and one of those great 60 Nuggets. More Nuggets, Suzy!
